Thursday, July 14, 2011

5 Inch Heels :)

I finished the picture of my pink, grey, and black 5" heels.  It was a challenge on  I like the way it came out. What do you think?


  1. I saw your 5" heels on DPW and came over to see if you had other shoes. I love to find art of shoes, eggs, fish, tools and lots more. That is how I found your Teddy. Good job on the shoes and Best luck on your pastel class. I've never taken a class but think it would do me a world of good - especially considering my recent work ha! ha! Pastel and acrylic are my mediums - you've inspired me, I think I'll watch for the next Community sessions. Beckie

  2. Thank you so much! Unfortunately the class was canceled because of low enrollment which is a hazard of doing pastel. I'm glad you like the shoes! I did them because of the DPW Challenge: Balance. Thanks again!

  3. Love the heels picture, Menika!!!


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