I'm sorry I have been MIA lately. I'm here but the school semester has started and life is getting busy. I have also started a second blog to document my experiences applying to and being in Nursing School. You can find this by finding it in my profile. On the news front, I have 5 pieces of artwork being included in the Art League of New Britain Working from the Figure Exhibition. The opening reception for that is this Friday. I also have the following piece included in the Connecticut Pastel Society Member Exhibition!! The opening reception for that show is March 3rd. So I have been a busy busy girl with shows, still working on my yoga series (#5), attending class (exam next week), applying to nursing, and still trying to have some "me time" between everything. I have also been a lot less active on my Etsy shop. But nothing is selling right now and I have to make school a higher priority at the moment. I'm still around but just not pushing and promoting it as much during the semester. So that is my update and hopefully I will be able to show you some works in progress and/or finished paintings :)
"Wind of Youth" 9x12 NuPastel on Colourfix. Copyright MSSArtwork.